Friday, October 2, 2009

RED IS BLACK...!!!!!!!!!

Chinese have an universal presence today ,sixty long and tough years after their Nation was formed.They have a very unique lifestyle ;their philosophy is very teasing at times for simpler minds or less evolved diplomats ,around the World...China is a Superforce in almost every sphere of Life today - be it agrarian community centres ;industrial factory workers' groups;writers' guilds;policing an overtly hardline-communist system of Governance ,at both micro and macro-levels of economy ...!!

Made in China sounds as magical as Made in USA was once upon a time [not many decades ago].Made by China is the pride of every country-bumpkin living behind the Great China Wall.To the uninformed ,it is as much a wonder to see China thrive in an almost wholly-democratic,socialist,republican World as it is to marvel at the time-tested Great Wall of China...!!

What then is the essence of all things Chinese ?Be it a Ming-dynasty vase-model or be it the dirt-cheap consumer goods,industrial products or such other items of everyday life which one finds flooding the Economies of the Global-marketplace [be it in the streets of China Bazaars one find in every town and village in India or from the neatly lined beach-lanes on the Californian beach in the USA],Made in China has become a label for 'good bargain buys' as also 'sensible' purchases in a recession-ridden World...!!

When Mao declared - ..'give me a band of twelve dedicated followers and I shall form a Government',and when he did indeed take over the reigns of such a State in Mainland China ,he not only spelled a newer School of Management Thought or a Style of Public Governance but he lent new weight , force and support to the terms - 'Communism','Mass','Labour' and so on...!!

China is as much as force to be reckoned with in a contemporary scenario as is America itself ...No Foreign Policy nor Economic Theory can be wholesome today unless it incorporates a stand-by plan or an emergency programme to counter any sudden thrust or withdrawal of a Chinese partner from either an Investment Consortium or even a simplistic model of tacit support to terrorist elements or subversive forces who are out to sabotage the models of Democracy -be it in the Indian sub-continent or on the so-called Mafia sector operating in even the most advanced nations [including the USA]...China has the singular distinction of quelling the infamous Student rebellion at Tianamenn Square in Beijing by sheer brute force of mass-killings and yet remaining the veto-power on the UN Security Council .Go to Africa and you notice every other major infrastructure contract bagged by the Chinese firms ...Go to Universal Studios and any other major Wall-street operating Banking/Financial Institution or business Conglomerate and lo and behold ,you shall encounter not a Jap,Not a German ,Not an Yankee Genius but the Chinese Nationality...!!

How Chinese are the Chinese themselves ?Say Cheese ,Say Chinese ,Say Siamese - these are all the same - for such is the gross ignorance of the outside world to a native Chinese peasant .But , go elsewhere beyond the frontiers of the Great Wall of China [not Shanghai or Hong Kong alone],and you can realize the gross reality of the Chinese Mindset hitting you below the belt ...Where things go awry those caught in the act are often blamed but there is yet to be one instance where Chinese transgressions of their own superb ancient civilizations can even be referred to the Chinese Supreme Presidium for either discussion or come China/

Chinese Checkers is the game to fall back upon to understand the snake and ladder game of diplomacy or the big fish eat small fish syndrome of theirs in the business-world of today.No holds barred games wuld seemingly endow the exalted status of a haloed hero upon the crookedest of oppressors.So, lesser said the better .

CHINAis the force to watch out ,Uncle Sam !!Big Brother USSR has been decimated but unless and until Democracy reigns in China,Democracy in its truest sense cannot prevail the world over.It requires great ,far,deepest insight and maximum social security to oppose the mysterious Governance-secrets of the most secretly run Government of the modern World.

China is sixty-years old today . Would it see many more seasons of a peaceful world outside its serene countrysides or would some World Statesman wake up to silence the fire-spitting Dragon's forceful occupation of land,air,water,economies,resources,et all - directly or indirectly...?





The ubiquitous picture of the Mahatma smiling away in a toothless,grin personifies his remaining a mute witness to the turn of History after all those relentless years of fasting,Satyagraha,arrests,speeches,writings,round table conferences,killings,massacres,genocide,hangings,patriotic streaks ,generations of silent rebellion against slavery,plundering,lootings,subjugation,discrimination,racism,et all...!!

The face of the Father of the largest Democracy of the world stares out smiling from the postage stamps, the hoardings, the election manifestos,the street corners and even in front of Assembly buildings ,the Parliament and the Supreme Court's edifices ...!!

The name of the Mahatma is sought to be invoked at the drop of a hat ever since we attained independence and a self-rule [as is branded by the patriots ]to be determined by adult suffrage and the ballot-box...!!

The truth however belies the hope which is radiated from the smiling Mahatma's image : not a day passes without the newscasts and television broadcasters highlighting all the evil deeds and obnoxious acts being perpetrated by all and sundry ,across the length and breadth of the country .Day in and day out , the acts of barbarism,blasphemy and betrayal of all the ideals and principles which the great man lived for and preached through action and by example are repeated...All is ominously bleak and bloody in nature...!!

The Mahatma became one by facing up to the challenges posed by the testing times .Racism teased the Barrister on alien soil and so the learned soul in him was kindled to return to homeland and write out a script which may certainly be declared to be the curtain-raiser for the U.S.Patriot Act that came to the law-books much,much later [in the aftermath of the 9/11 attack on American soil by modern-day terrorists]...He rose to the occasion by practising Religion and not merely remaining either a silent sufferer or a mute spectator or one of those many versions [and variations]of Prophets and Messaiahs of Mankind ...From ' Mr.' M.K.Gandhi,he rose to become the 'Mahatma' Gandhi himself.It takes huge stamina,grit ,determination ,strength and valour in order to take up one's fight to the streets and let it spread around the world , scaling heights of the House of Lords and fathoming high Seas ,across a century and half of strife,labour and struggle - especially , when it was a modus operandi which adopted the teachings of a 'dead' religion [viz;Hinduism]and involved such unheard of and untested ways such as non-violence, abstinence from vices or Satyagraha or fasting for long periods ...Inactivity and mass strikes did not result in inertia but propelled the momentum of the mass movement itself ...The force was from within ...There was no need for support by external agencies such as a modern-day Mossad or a CIA or an ISI or the RAW either...No G-9 nor G-20 was there nor an UNO present to have strengthened the Cause of one Man - The Mahatma Gandhi...!!

The life and times of Mahatma are exemplary indeed - of one greater truism that Religion is not meant to be merely preached or propounded by ought to be practiced . His teachings reflected the teachings essentially of the Bhagwat Gita [which was taught to him by his elder peer,Acharya Vinobha Bhave whilst at Paunar Ashram]-the do thy duty and leave the fruits to me -doctrine enunciated in the Words of the Lord Srikrishna with his ultimate concluding poser to Arjuna [representative of all of Mankind]-'Ask thyself,WHO AM I?' is the summation of Hinduism....The singular Victory attributed to the Mahatma in carving out Free Nations [had he not conceded for the partition of India into different new-States,Pakistan nor Bangladesh ,in particular would have ever been born on the world-map]is testimony of the fact that Hinduism is not a dead Religion but a live, throbbing force to reckon with - by the true practitioner ...Not to be mistaken or confused with the ritualistic observances or mechanical motions of rites and prayers performed by several claimants professing to practice this ancient form of Religion...!!

The Mahatma smiles on - for,he has discovered that Relgion is Right ; that Self-respect is an ultimate possession;that Humanism alone is the secret for survival of Planet Earth [while all those other eight planets are Lifeless]...!!

Be Human ...Become a Mahatma [rule the heart of your Beloved Ones at Home or Workplace ,not necessarily the whole countryside]...Be An Enlightened Soul - Everyone...!!!


I was feeling elated when on the spur of the moment's exhiliration at receiving a call from a friend ,I gave directions for performing a pooja Worshipping GOODESS MOTHER SUPREME during this Navarathri Festival.

I was further strengthened in my satisfaction at being an unwitting 'do-gooder' when the lady informed me of feeling 'great' within three days of the observance of the systematic pooja[Hinduism as is the case with any other ancient Religion is repllete with rituals invoking the Grace of Mighty Nature ].I just said 'keep going friend'...!!

I was bewildered to read a 'low' text-message from her the very next day saying that she is being accused of indulging in 'Witchcraft' and the like - by no other than her in-laws [who all reside in the very same household]...I however being firm in my convictions regarding the beneficial effects of the Religious festivities [out of sheer experience] told her to carry on undaunted ...But as things go in this mundane and unfair world , she got me to prevail upon her to continue with her poojas by removing lemon-garland and camphor -garland ...That was the least compromise one could do under the circumstances I felt...!!

I was further appalled to learn the next day that a woman whom this devotee had invited home to receive a saree alongwith 'prasadam' had in fact spread the rumour through none lesser than this good lady-devotee's mother-in-law...!!

I received a call from this lady yesterday declaring that 'Goddess is great...'!!!

Reason d entre?

It was that the very wicked woman whjo had spread that wild and malicious rumour had been facing irate neighbours for having allegedly thrown some sort of 'burial-ground eerioe material' outside their garage [or some such thing]...her husband had come rushing to this dear lady friend's house and poured out his sob-story to her result is that this particular ma-in-law has begun to accept the daughter-in-law stepping down to the prayer-room and continuing with her devotional act of breaking a coconut ,etc, to appease THE MOTHER GODDESS in true Hinduism-style...!!


FAITH cannot be enforced nor devotion be instilled by fear , favour or sycophancy ,folks...GOD IS ALMIGHTY ...GODDESS shall not permit any harm to come in the way of her trusting child...Ask any mother in the human flesh and pat would come the affirmation...!!

FEAR FACTORY OR A DEVIL'S MIND - whichever way one views the ways of the world [especially during these significant periods chosen for special worship based on the Almanac],Devotion does not emanate by force, fear,superstition,ignorance or vacillation.Therefore, your inner conviction,faith,innocence,purity,smaran[prayers]shall always bear fruits...STAY HAPPY ALWAYS...!!!