I often remind all that if a life-saving drug like penicillin can be made out of moulded bread ,what cannot be made out of a human-being ,irrespective of a lower intellect or zeal to perform or being endowed with a handicap of circumstances of life.So, what does one do when everything appears to 'not to work' and the whole world seems topsy-turvy ?
There is not a single person to turn to for help nor any relative accecible forsuccour or first-aid . Nay,not even moral-support to help re-steel the spiritand bounce back to life's race ,somehow.
Take for instance the case of a principled crusader of justice walking out of an empire built single-handedly out of sheer dint of hard work and dedication towards work on hand leaving it all to associates out to betray for money's sake.Would such a man be able to reconcile to the drastically altered lifestyle in solitude and endure taunts,difficulties and hardships which are but natural for one not used to common amenities and a commoner's lifestyle?
Can such a person go starving and yet not reveal the pangs of hunger and worth offood hitherto unknown to a happy-go lucky leader of people? Is it humanly possible to undergo the rigours of a harsh lifestyle peppered with jibes of lesser beings and yet work silently forward to re-build from the ashes? What if such a person is also one who has discovered the existence of an Almighty andyet lose faith in the necessity of rituals and separate worship-methodologies since it is an evolved mind-set which can at will connect to the unseen?
Time is the wheel of life and in the wheel of fortune Father Time plays a great role of often being blamed as a wrong-doer or culprit but not as the ever-present catalyst to usher in better times , a whole 360 degrees !
Calls of times and conscience will but act as factors which determine the strength of character and vision with focus of the one undergoing such a 'testing time'.
However, the traveller on such a detour to success ought to realize that emphasis must be placed on never lowering the self-esteem and to work incessantly at re-building from scratch . Such a re-construction work will but be forever worthier , stronger and incapable of demolition or sabotage.
In tune with changing times one is required to attune to the demands of hostile circumstances but even if tears wash away the momentary pains and aches,it is certainly going to be worth the agonizing moments when the Phoenix comes alive - and rises from the ashes .
So,never give up in adversities .I know of those who amass wealth and lead a psuedo-life and there are those who live in parsimony but are a happy lot-lending true value to values ,morals and principles than to material possessions or tangible assets.
As the armed forces are indoctrined - 'when the going gets tough, the tough get going'. Never say die.
Blending to the circumstances of fate and never be fatalistic . Destiny helps the courageous and the determined ones who merge their soul,heart and mind to the bodily torture inflicted by external circumstances over which one usually has no control at all .
Be a Bond - bond with Nature .
If a Phoenix can rise from the ashes, can not Mankind prevent the decimation of its race by standing up to wrong-doings and lending a helping hand of Compassion to make lifes cheerful all around.Divinity propounds it and Humanity commands this display of Life,love and Energies.
Life is Precious.
Love Your Life.
Even in Exile.