Pamarty Venkata Ramana began with by pointing out that language has different meanings to different people and since times immemorial,people have been trying to communicate effectively with each other in order to bring about a symmetry of habits, manners and systems.
In course of evolution of Literature, Poetry attains great significance owing to the seeming lack of time in one’s hands with an increasing use of technology ,paradoxical as it may appear .He said that even as he was qualifying for five different professions simultaneously he stepped into career as an international corporate Lawyer putting in long hours ranging between 18 to 20 hours daily.In course of time,he found there wasn’t time to write columns on diverse topics anymore and switched over to blogging which again was found to be too long winded for people who did not have time on their hands despite an interest to read it all.So, he began to express his messages and thoughts to society and avid followers of his writings in the Poetry –form.Thus,began this sojourn of penning a poem a night in a matter of few minutes and it took the head of the Publications Team Srikari Literary Classics to prevail upon the need to spread the qualitative messages of his Poetry to Humanity.
Humanism is the theme of his poems and divinity was essential in the scheme of things to arrive at a just society of law and order.He explained several incidents which influenced his thinking in course of world travels and case-matters dealt which ultimately prompted him to goad upon Mankind to change the course of History of Humanity by retracing their faltering and faulty steps and to inculcate the higher values of a simplified thinking, puritan lifestyle and high thinking in evolving policies ,systems and edicts of religious prescription too.
He read out 'BLOOD,NOT WATER' to highlight the most common and basic emotion and nature of all people,i.e;the real and intrinsic value of tears which in fact are not mere wasted water from the human body but all the different meanings, definitions and traits attributed by the Poet in this classic piece of literature.
He then read out two other Poems 'A SWAN SONG' and ' ON LOVING ALL' on request of the audience which he said are meant to guide and steer a mind-set from being a 'lovely' mind to an 'adult' mind to the ultimate dimension of a 'free' mind.
He then linked up the essence of all emotions and feelings of Mankind and informed that be it the President of a Nation or a lowly labourer or a doting housewife,Life has a purpose,cause and distinct meaning which is quite apart and different from that of a fruit-fly which is born,reproduces and dies within the space of 24-hours.
Life is a Blessing and Education of the Nation is important and it is much more than being a literate society .Higher Learning is a state of being prepared to unlearn the values long held and to accept fresh thought with an open mind and receptive heart.In the result, one would be a majority and each one of us can help contribute in a distinctive manner and reform the society and the world of Man as a whole- silently ,swiftly but definitely.
He said it was his mission to usher in peace,understanding and amity amongst societies of varying cultures,precepts and compositions and different I.Q.-levels to help enlighten one and all of the 'Cause of Life', 'Purpose of Life' and the 'Meaning of Life'.
He informed the others who spoke a few minutes each on the reason of their liking his Poetry that it is good news that there were three requests from Professors to be permitted to undertake post-doctoral thesis on his Poetry;that there were offers from the U.S.A. to make song- albums from the Poetry Collection and that discussions were underway for the simultaneous translations being undertaken by select scholars in 18 languages of the world.
He expressed a desire that more and more peoples of the world do take to reading Poetry as a fine art of study,recreation and relaxation .It ultimately enriches the quality of Human Life.
In The Picture :
Poet Pamarty VenkataRamana flanked by the galaxy of Guests of Honour after the Reading-Session and
interactive -sessions.