A healthy mind is a bare essential for a healthy long life – is another message we get today.And,it is my pleasure to welcome Dr.A.K.Mukherjee who is a doyen of Medicine ,Surgery and Health Care in India known world-wide and one of the very few who possess an original OXFORD DOCTORATE from the original OXFORD UNIVERSITY[U.K.]
Dr.A.K.Mukherjee ,the President of the Spinal Cord Society of India and Director-General of the premier Spinal Injuries Centre is a world renowned Health-care expert and doyen of the Medical-field in India .
He quoted from ancient Sanskrit scriptures of Hinduism and pointed out the qualitative purity and strength of the Poet which he certified as a genuine ,blue-blooded Doctorate from Oxford University [U.K.].He elaborated at length the veneer of gentle,subtle reasoning which Mr.Pamarty Venkata Ramana weaves in his works with a view to bring about an upsurge in the thought-process and behavioural-pattern of a society ridden with diseased minds, eroded values and cut off from realities of existence of Man on Earth.
He said the title –‘PROPHET OF NEW-AGE POETRY’ conferred upon the Poet was wholly justified and is good news for the whole world .He further declared that in his Vision and experience spanning many decades of travel across the globe, the works of PAMARTY VENKATA RAMANA should reach every village of India and villages across the world since it is one small Global Village today and in dire need of this Life-saving dose of food for soul,medicine for the mind and strength to lead a life of well-being,happiness and peace.
In The Picture :
Dr.A.K.Mukherjee unveiling the plaque titled -'ABOUT THE POETRY' .
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