Dignitaries among the audience spoke praises of the Poet whom they said they only knew from close quarters and admired as a thorough professional and eminent Supreme Court Lawyer .And many assembled know that PAMARTY VENKATA RAMANA has been the chief architect of the famed Nizam Jewellery case,one of the largest matters of the nation which links India’s heritage to pre-independence era to post-freedom struggle and the swiftest court battle ever staged which received the Parliament’s approval for preserving a national wealth within the country and not letting the priceless ,antique collection of jewellery to fall into hands of anti-national elements .
He braved an attack on him and argued 16 matters with a bandaged head the very morning to win the nation’s largest case spanning 252 crores and 800 centuries of socio-political and legal history.
As Ms.Shilpa Agarwal from the Publication Team said -...'I know there are several feathers to his credit and the reason I am narrating one instance is to help us know of the enormous man-hours of knowledge, illumination and enlightenment experienced by this able and hard-working man of integrity and creative talent-unparalleled in modern times by any other ...'
She then invited the distinguished audience to give a standing ovation to welcome the Poet ,Mr.Pamarty Venkata Ramana to address the gathering .
A very specially crafted designer Treasure Box[made by 'the-wood-people]exclusively ordered for the Treasured set of Books was presented to the Poet by SRIKARI LITERARY CLASSICS .
In The Picture :
Pamarty Venkataramana ,the Prophet of New-Age Poetry receiving the memento from Ms.Shilpa Agarwal
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