Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Truly,the turn of this century has been a watershed in American History ,Politics and Societal-relationships with the Rest of the World ...What with Osama Bin Laden,the Outlaw,terrorizing the World with a brutal-attack in the centers of World-Power on that fateful September 11th morning in the USA...What with USA launching its frontal attack on Iraq led by the hung Saddam Hussein on that eventful March 18th noon...What with Hillary Clinton conceeding her desires to the front-ranker,Brack Obama and her spouse,the former President of two terms,Bill Clinton strongly voicing his recommendation of the candidature of Obama...What with the inefficiency of the incumbent-in-office being rudely exposed to the World at he Collapse of Financial Giant-houses of Economic-power this mid-September...What with the levels of mud-slinging hitting rock-bottom to the lowly statures of a lipstick and a pig,the real yearning for 'A CHANGE NOW' has been vociferously spelt out by everybody and every Body of Poll-Campaign concerning the two Candidates symbolized by the Elephant and the Donkey ,in almost inhuman -tongue and animal-speak,so to speak...!!!

'CHANGE'they sought ; 'CHANGE' they said ; 'CHANGE' they did the face of the .Mr.President who will reside in the White House and rule the World as a demi-God...But,what exactly would this 'CHANGE' mean and imply to those who helped bring about this 'change' by out-voting those who voted to 'not to let the party in power change seats'...?And,Who actually outnumbered the votes seeking the 'CHANGE'...? Does this choice by the Ballot for a 'change' truly bring about the 'CHANGE' desired by these 'supporters-of-change'?What indeed is the meaning and substance of the demand for 'CHANGE' ,within the boundaries of those who cast the vote and the billions of those who without having the opportunity to cast their vote [being NON-AMERICANS,i.e; 'the Rest-of-the-World' ]have the premonition of a 'CHANGE' sweeping their regions too by this impending change in the Face of the President of USA...?Whither the 'CHANGE'?Who will facilitate the 'CHANGE'?...

- THESE ARE THE MOOT QUESTIONS POSED BY THE EXPECTED VERDICT OF THE USA-ELECTION RESULT :may I proceed to pose a few to the rallyists at Grand Park this evening (in sheer humility and meek ignorance ,and not out of any rancour-imagined or latently present in Mainland America)...?

What is the take of Mr.President-in-Waiting on the following issues:-

1. Will USA yet require an agenda to erase the 'Big-Brother'-attitude displayed
(as in Iraq and elsewhere,best known to all affected-parties/countries?

2. Will USA be a Government'of the people for the people by the people'and will he
really induct Able Advisers/Secreatries/Officials from the 'rival'-party?

3. Will USA continue to be the biggest 'defaulter' in its grants and 'subscriptions'
to United Nations Organization's Bodies such as the UNESCO and the UNICEF?

4. Will the USA still regard China as an equal and hold it in respectful distance of
Democracy and continue to turn a Nelson's Eye to China's Infringement of Inter
natinal Treaties,Pacts [including Nuclear - Energy ]?

5. Will the USA continue to decry 'outsourcing' business-activities to India while
all the while thriving upon qualitative and cheaper labour from there?

6. Will the USA continue to permit 'market-forces' to sabotage and hold the whole
Econmic Jaggernaut to ransom or evolve a 'fool-proof Policy'?

7. Will the USA abandon its 'Non-alignment' strategy on the Oil and Islamic-Nation
demands of the fanatics or would the 'tolerant'-attitude bandied about (of late)
seek to increase the temerity of the termites called 'terrorists'and embolden
them to wage babaric wars at truly 'helpless' Democracies like India and

8. Will the USA emerge as the ultimate silencer of the wolves or become a 'reason'
for the wicked wolves to slaughter humanbeings like lambs or go about acting as
ruthless butchers of the Security and Happiness sought in a Democracy ?

9. Will the USA continue to permit long-time allies in Democracy [such as India ]
to be allowing its had-working people living in denial ?

10.Will the USA continue to deny the role of 'a foreign hand' in all world-events?

11.Will the USA now truly 'change' the attitude and acceptance-factor of the
apparently over-flooded non-native Americans towards the 'CHANGE' itself or will
the neo-American flag-bearers ,[out of a gross lack of Experience and a Vision in
dealing with such matters which not merely affect the USA but all other
inhabitants of the Planet]act at cross-purposes to make it a lame-duck Government
and worsen the plight of the suffering-World outside th shores of USA [ and US
Embassies or Bases-wherever else located ]...?

'CHANGE' ,therefore ,does not come about by chanting 'abracadabra' while holding your breath or by invoking the name of Mr.Obama en masse or through exhibitions of mass-hysteria at Victory-parades or the official oath-taking Ceremonial Occassion...It is not a matter of just changing the properties of a Drama or a Stage-show...It has to be concerted - as concerted as was the Campaign to elevate One single Man of unknown roots[to the die-hard Natives,that is...] to the Exhalted status of holding the most-powerful Position on Earth ;as loyal a support must be extended to the man's Policies when he assumes Office - come what may at the end of 2013;he ought to also rise up to the stature of a 'MAN-OF-CHANGE' by becoming a 'changed-man'who single-handedly handles the Dreams,the Aspirations,the Hopes,the Plans, the Lives ,the Future, the very meaning of Existence for countless human-beings - each one and every one of us who cannot ever dream of assuming that Seat-of-power to direct the Fate of Mankind ,for Generations to come...!!!

So will he or will he not be successful in bringing about the 'CHANGE' is immaterial,impertinent and irrelevant now ...What the Voters of America as well as all Votaries of Change ought to bear in mind is that they must not change their Goodwill for the Victorious Man or 'change' can never happen...It is the righteous Wind for a caring man who can stand up with the World and face the issues confronting the different regions in various dimensions of Governance that ushered him to this important position at a very crucial stage of evolution of the World from
a bi-polar to a unilateral force...Unite the World,Mr.Obama-the Americans have united to give you that chance to change ...Are you indeed the 'MAN-OF-CHANGE'?
Your deeds shall matter henceforth...Wishing you all the best in translating the singular slogan of 'CHANGE' to read a real 'HAPPINESS-Quotient reading'for both USA and all of us governed-directly or indirectly by your Government's Policy-measures...!!!

A Sincere Fulfillment of Promises will naturally usher in the 'CHANGE'Mr.President!

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