Thursday, March 11, 2010


Empowerment of women is the slogan being bandied about by even dynamic females of the human species.I beg to differ.Empowerment is not required;enable a woman.
Be it one’s sibling,spouse or a mere stranger on the street,bills and laws;policies and awards;quotas or reservations would be rendered meaningless as well as impotent unless enablement is a reality.
Allow the girL child to be born.Let the young women have a choice to select their life-partners.Banish the pernicious evil of dowry-harrassment and oneupmanship .Married ladies ,whether housewives or career-builders ought to be let to rest atleast once in a while.Widows and aged womenfolk ought to be given preference from among the supposedly ‘reserved’-portion allocated for womenfolk.
A thing well begun is half well completed they say.Euphoria and mirages galore in a woman’s lifetime-markedly more in our society.
Therefore,be not led or misled by the cries of hurrah or the gaiety being marked across the nation in the backdrop of steeply risen prices of essential commodities.
Where a woman be respected and revered ,such a society shall be a happy and prosperous one.A household-unit is the place to start this campaign,not the high security well of the Parliament.Empower the lady of the house .Enable HER empowerment.And,you would but be a mighty drop in the vast ocean of human kindness,compassion and understanding.
One would naturally do well and hasten to add the necessary caution that not all females are women eligible for such an honourable treatment - or else there would be no MCP in existence .Extreme elements of nature render certain womenfolk to be dreaded by even other women in the society[No,am not referring to the soap-operas of saas-bahu drama but to real life characters who make life miserable for entire lifetime.Many a client testifies to this sad fact .
All said,we ought to restore the pristine gory of our nation whose tradition and culture carried the ethos of respect for woman - not the pathetic display of revulsion or disdain for their concerns.
Enable them,empowerment is automatic.

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